Christopher Cervantes

I've always done well in school. A lot of people have told me I'm a really smart guy; and I used to think so too. That is, until I went to college. Whenever I would think I found what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do, I sooner or later realized I had no brain for it. I tried to be a pharmacist, a computer programmer, an environmental scientist. Each failure resulted in the loss of my own self confidence which made trying again harder and harder.

I turned to games whenever I could, because it felt like they were the only things I was actually good at. I began watching people like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and Sips_, who helped me get through my slump and begin to believe in myself again. It turns out, I'm good with computers. While I'm probably never going to be an ace programmer, I understand hardware and can figure out most problems with my family's and friends' computers. I began my pursuit of a degree in Networks and Systems Administration and I feel like my life has direction again. Games are still (and probably will be forever) my go-to escape when I want to feel good at something. So why did I start producing videos? Because it's fun! And because maybe people want to watch and escape from life for at least a little bit.

- XD
Jul 31, 1989 (Age: 34)