Recent content by Aomp TigerBoy

  1. Aomp TigerBoy

    Gaming Need 3 more gamers

    I'd be down for that
  2. Aomp TigerBoy

    XBox Looking for someone to Collage on TitanFall

    Im looking for people who like to yell at games and still have a great time. Rank and sub count doesnt Matter, just come to have fun. Add me or email me if you want to collab GT: Aomp TigerBoy Email: [email protected]
  3. Aomp TigerBoy

    Best Summer Anime In your opinion

    A Anime set during the prohibition with what seems to be a revenge story. Definitely looks interesting. That and im a fanboy for gangster shows
  4. Aomp TigerBoy

    Best Summer Anime In your opinion

    I think the two best upcoming summer ones are Taboo Tattoo and 91 Days
  5. Aomp TigerBoy

    Best Summer Anime In your opinion

    Yeah The anime is Showing filler episodes to drag out the show so they have more volumes of the dvd to sell But ive finished the Naruto manga and i found the ending very satisfying
  6. Aomp TigerBoy

    Best Summer Anime In your opinion

    What is your favorite anime this season Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
  7. Aomp TigerBoy

    PC Hearthstone collab

    i have it on both mobile and pc
  8. Aomp TigerBoy

    PC Hearthstone collab

    Hey there, I have no problem helping you out. Battle tag is Halomass230 #1392
  9. Aomp TigerBoy

    XBox Need some people to collab with

    I have GTA5 and The division so if you guys want to play im good to go GT: Aomp TigerBoy
  10. Aomp TigerBoy

    Gaming Hello Freedom

    Channel name is the same as the fourum name
  11. Aomp TigerBoy

    Gaming Hello Freedom

    My name is Aomp TigerBoy, and I joined freedom about 2 months ago. I post gaming videos about once a week. games range from Hearthstone to The Division. It would be much appreciated if you checked out my channel.