Recent content by akaMonkeyKid

  1. akaMonkeyKid

    XBox 6-Man Call of Duty Trickshotting

    Add me on Skype man, best way to communicate. Skype: KidMonkii GT: WooT Monkii
  2. akaMonkeyKid

    XBox 6-Man Call of Duty Trickshotting Add me on Skype man. I don't play on the 360 as often as the Xbox One, but I will soon. Skype: KidMonkii GT: WooT Monkii
  3. akaMonkeyKid

    XBox 6-Man Call of Duty Trickshotting

    What's up guys and gals? I'm looking for some people to do some 6-Mans with. What I'm thinking of doing is having as many people as we can that are interest join in on Skype and we could make a group. That way we aren't limited to a few people, and we can still do 6 Mans even if someone is...
  4. akaMonkeyKid

    Podcast Looking for Guests to appear on my Podcast show

    I am definitely interested in a lot of those factors man. Gameplay, debates, movie reviews, console debate, star wars stuff, HELL YES ON MARVEL VS DC, and game reviews. I am more than willing to do any of those. Add me on Skype and let me know who you are, so I will remember.