Active Member
Mar 25, 2017
On my channel I make fan made trailers. In the past i've got copyright claims but none of the owners took it down. I don't monetise my videos and don't make any money from them. But for some reason when I tried uploading a star wars trailer today it got taken down the second it uploaded. This would be understandable if it were the first time using star wars footage but it's not. Ive uploaded trailers in the past which had rogue 1 footage and that was before the movie even came out on DVD but for some reason this time they decided to block my video in all countries. Why is that? Copyright makes no sense?
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Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
On my channel I make fan made trailers. In the past i've got copyright claims but none of the owners took it down. I don't monetise my videos and don't make any money from them. But for some reason when I tried uploading a star wars trailer today it got taken down the second it uploaded. This would be understandable if it were the first time using star wars footage but it's not. Ive uploaded trailers in the past which had rogue 1 footage and that was before the movie even came out on DVD but for some reason this time they decided to block my video in all countries. Why is that? Copyright makes no sense?
It depends on how it's claimed and it all makes sense.

Copyright holders can submit their content (Movies) into a database on YouTube, mostly through another company, and then they can choose whether to:
  • Track views of a claimed video
  • Monetize claimed videos (Most common)
  • Block videos in some countries
  • Block videos worldwide
That's how YouTube Content ID works. There's no way to bypass it but to not include someone else's content without it being Fair Use.


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Freedom! Member
Honestly if I can give you an advise avout how to start a youtube channel, don't expect any income at the beginning, their is no point to claim money for small videos when you start a youtube channel. Focus on improving yourself in video making and other stuff like audio skills and GFX training, that's more important than anything but you have to keep in mind YouTube is a platform where you need to have fun :)




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Freedom! Member
Screenshot the claim and attach it here?

Frankly, anyone can claim to be another copyright claimant, who is in fact claiming on your videos out of spite, dislike of you, or your channel. Youtube is full of devious haters and they have a terribly flawed copyright system which seriously needs to go in the bin, because its toxic and easily abused. I've had video strikes on my content when I started my channel long ago, and the claimant had no right to even claim at all.

But I found out that the person who's name was stated as the claimant, only claimed on a minority of my videos. The other claims where by another youtube user using someone else's name. This is illegal as its also a false CR claim, which can result in the person claiming; being sued if you counterclaim your case.

Don't fear the youtube CR dispute system. If you feel your video is fair use, then counterclaim it. Because it will cost the person thousands to bring you to court to begin with. (Unlikely to happen). Likely resulting in the claim being retracted by the alleged claimant.

Also, if you do decide to counter claim, do not put in your home address or your phone number on he counterclaim form, as this is sent to the person making the claim against you. This info can be used by hackers to gain access to your youtube account. They do this by requesting your mobile provider to ship a new sim card to whatever address the hackers claim you've moved too. + Various other methods I shall not list.

So, use a solicitor/lawyer when asked for your contact info on a youtube counterclaim form. Also note; filling out a counter claim form is obligatory and likely a violation of your data protection privacy in your country. (Depending which country you are in)

See this video by H3H3Productions. What Ethan did not say, is how the hackers knew his phone number to provide it to T-Mobile. When the likely reality is that they placed a false copyright claim on his video, and when he counterclaimed it, he most likely submitted this to a hacker through youtubes counter claim system. NOTE: All counter claims you make are submitted back to the claimant on behalf of Google/Youtube. Any claimant can be a mischievous hacker looking to gain access to your account.

I hope some of this post may help you and people who may be facing claims of this nature. They are not always legitimate! I previously made a video of this, and exposed Youtubes copyright system, but I've refrained from posting my video because when this happened to me, I was angry at the time and there is a little swearing in it. :D Wasn't sure if it be suitable for the forums here.

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