Entertainment My YouTube channel


New User
Aug 7, 2014
So, my name is SpectralKH, or KH for short. I'm a 15 year old Norwegian, so that's cool.

I use my channel to post all kinds of videos that I make. Most of my videos contain fancy video effects, most of them being audio spectrums. I also edit sketches that I put together with friends for school projects, and personally I'd say they're really enjoyable (My latest ones all got straight 6). I'm using After Effects for all my videos, so I basically like experimenting myself towards something new in there. I upload pretty much whatever I want, whenever I want, and that gets to be around a video or two per month.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpectralKH

I also run a channel called Synctan, that I also introduced here, and here I promote EDM music on a daily-ish basis.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoMimPRPeR28TM3_0cinjVQ
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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
Hello, friend.
Welcome to the Freedom! forums.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!
Me and Prology, and TwilightPrinze are very active here on the forums, so you can ask us almost anything.
If you need advice on thumbnails or how to grow an audience, I can help.

All the best. : 3
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