Aug 19, 2019

Here is where you belong! You've arrived! All are welcomed & make yourself safe! Kick up your feet & feel at ease! This place is your place! My house is your house! Your voice will be heard!

I want my YouTube channel to become a video Wikipedia, an online media encyclopedia, of any and or all things Power Rangers, Super Sentai, & Kamen Rider! Potential viewers & or subscribers, please, don’t hesitate to comment any & or all things the content of my YouTube Channel makes you think & feel. I’ll strive to upload & deliver content y'all shall love & enjoy, based on your commented feedback on any & or all content on my YouTube channel.

I’ll constantly and consistently upload content to achieve that goal. Said content can and will be videos of a wide array styles from top 10 lists & compilation videos to behind the scenes & cast/crew interviews also live action concerts! My YouTube Channel serves as a Media Catalog for the various openings of Power Rangers, Super Sentai, & Kamen Rider whether they be the tv or live, I upload both!

In addition, I also Upload/share various scene compilation videos of popular moments in Power Rangers, Super Sentai, & Kamen Rider with regards to fan favorite plot points! Also, I feature Live & behind the scenes concerts & filming of Power Rangers, Super Sentai, & Kamen openings, conventions, & cast/crew interviews! Similarities to other content creators videos may occur here, but 0 copyright intended. If you feel you or someone else were copyrighted by this YouTube channel, please leave a comment stating so on the video(s) in question! The video shall be deleted!

I want this YouTube channel to serve a safe haven from the legal system, that is YouTube, & keep all pirating issues between only the content creators involved & no one else. On this YouTube channel, various content creators & subscribers upload their videos here, to cross promote them. Each content creator & subscriber sets any & or all content features of their videos (titles, descriptions, end screens, cards, thumbnail, tags, etc.) uploaded to this YouTube channel.