FFF What comes after spooktober ? Newvember


Apr 22, 2014

Hello once again guys, lets get on to the FFF to start of the month :) !

October is over already?

That's right the month is over and so is the monthly competition ! Results and new competition for November will be posted shortly :) Link Here

Tap a Talk ?!

I believe most of you have already heard what tapatalk is so I will skip that part. Moving on to the updates tapatalk app is now adds free when browsing freedom forums, so if you'd like to try it out, now's a great time ! Check out a thread by @Koala_Steamed for further info Here.

Discussion of the week !

@riganthor is back to the forums (Welcome back Rig ;) ) and has raised a question that made me monder for a while. What has changed in forums since 2 years ago ? Why does it feel less active ? My personal though are blaming Freedom's discord channel which has removed a major part of need to use the forum chat. Also I would guess back in the day the whole network was a lot more hyped up due to all subnetworks and things like freedom being the first non lockin network. Thats just a piece of my mind, what do you all think ? Leave your comments in Riganthor's thread Here !​

Achievements !

On to the usuall round of congratulations !

@Lunny has hit 30k channel views and continues to do great :) Thread link Here.

Next up is @PshycOnlineGaming coming in with 400 video uploads ! Thats some dedication, congrats :D Thread link is Here.

Lastly @SlingshotSA has hit 1k subscribers this week which is undoubtedly one of the largest hurdles in youtube ! Link to his thread is right here.

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions? Visit the poll at the top and have your say. We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
well I cant wait to see what ou guys have planned for november also the @ functions doesnt seem to be working for I wasnt notified of it so .... yeah

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Es normal que deaparescan mid ganancias del canal al entrar a freedom
yes it is completely normal for previous earnings to no longer show once you enter the Freedom partnership. This is because you have changed, and have a new CMS. Your previous earnings will be held by adsense, everything you earn from now on will be paid by Freedom.

sí, es completamente normal que las ganancias anteriores ya no se muestren una vez que ingresa a la asociación Freedom. Esto se debe a que ha cambiado y tiene un nuevo CMS. Sus ganancias anteriores serán propiedad de AdSense, todo lo que gane a partir de ahora será pagado por Freedom.