Vidme is shutting down


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Just got the email.

Yeah, remember that vidme partnership that George announced in our video?

(Didn't see the video? Check the promote yourself forum.)

...apparently that didn't last too long. is shutting down as of dec. 15th.

Byebye to what could have been an awesome competitor to youtube!

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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Oh look my thread was already made! ;)

While I personally haven't used it is a shame they're going away. I'm mostly against a company losing competition because it'll stop innovations and let remaining companies do all the crap they want. That's one YouTube competitor down...

Also it's on you two @pinaypencilart to run at George again, brutally drag him off his work and confront him on it again ;)
(Oh right he's in Vietnam now)


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
well I used vidme as a second platfor to upload because dailymotion doesnt care about vids that I make anymore and their new layout sucks also on vidme I was actually gaining a few followers. so I have no idea what to do now, I will keep doing youtube of course but I have no second avenue anymore. no second platform that might give me a place to stand out


Respected User
Freedom! Member
I personally never used Vidme, mainly because I forgot about it till know, I remember when It launched and people thought hey this is the going to be better then YouTube... but then again people said that about Vine.... look how they ended up as (RIP Vine).

but I will say this seeing a platform like this just run up and go is such a shame because so many creators spent time making videos for it, and some people still use it... just image if youtube just quit out of the blue all them creators.. all them videos gone without a trace.

point im making is, platforms like these shouldnt go, they should stay for the creators who love them.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
I started using vidme about a week ago and was sad to see the email about them closing down. I am glad however that I did not start really push all my content over because it would have been a waste of time. I had mixed feelings about vidme, I did not like the upload limit and the time limit on videos but I understand why they had those in place. Hopefully, another platform arises soon to challenge YouTube.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
I personally never used Vidme, mainly because I forgot about it till know, I remember when It launched and people thought hey this is the going to be better then YouTube... but then again people said that about Vine.... look how they ended up as (RIP Vine).

but I will say this seeing a platform like this just run up and go is such a shame because so many creators spent time making videos for it, and some people still use it... just image if youtube just quit out of the blue all them creators.. all them videos gone without a trace.

point im making is, platforms like these shouldnt go, they should stay for the creators who love them.

Someone has to pay for all the storage and bandwidth and servers and such. If they aren't making enough money to keep the site do they stay?


Active Member
Not that surprising, albeit a little disappointing. Nothing is gonna come close to competing with YouTube on a straight up video hosting basis (unless YouTube really effs up). You need to have a niche to outdo them, like Twitch (although Twitch is far from niche now)