VLOG Making an Impact in the Community

#Sweet Caroline

New User
Jun 15, 2019
Call me Carol and decided to be a You Tube Creator to make a change to people's lives.

I started my channel #Sweet Caroline 2 months ago and uploaded some tutorials and collaboration. But the achievement that I have gained when I reached my 300 subscribers is how I helped other people reach out to the community to fulfill their dreams. Through fund awareness, I was able to help a friend monetize her pre -loved bags to augment her finances for cancer hospital procedures, I was able to mobilize people to donate to a public school that needed funds for the classroom maintenance and recently I uploaded a mother's yearn for her son's spinal operation that needs to raise Php300,000 for Levoscoliosis operation. This video has been working on its own being shared by other people who wanted to help and by far has the highest number of views in 48 hours. In reaching my first 300 subscribers I am a proud You Tube Creator that through my contents I have the power to touch and change people's lives for the better.
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