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Tom Cryer

Active Member
Feb 13, 2016
So hello everyone to this introduction to my channel type thing. My name on youtube is 'TomDaBomb' and I make rant type videos, with the occasional gaming and tech. I love what I do and I hope to gain a larger audience with you, the Freedom family. I started a while back, In October 2015, and was doing 4 messy videos a week. Now, I do videos every 4 days and put a lot more time and effort into making them great for the viewer. I hope you'll take a look at my channel, and maybe subscribe and enjoy the content I make. Thanks for your time, -Tom


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome to Freedom!
If you ever need any assistance, ask me in the chat or send me a Private Message
I am on regularly so I should be able to help you if need be.

I am glad to hear that you are putting more time into your videos, that is key for success!
Anyway, can we know more about you?
You can follow the template here:
Your name/alias:
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How old are you?:
How did you find Freedom!?
What made you join our forums?:
What are your hobbies?:
What is your favorite food?
Why did you start YouTube?
What is your biggest dream?
What kind of channel do you run?:
How frequently do you upload?:

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