I'm depressed

Techno Creeper

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Feb 22, 2017
Guys, I'm depressed
I have no rights anymore, my parents are forcing me to go to Sunday school and if I don't I will not be able to have any fun including using a device which means I can't make content. I am an atheist, which means I don't believe in a god, and my Muslim parents don't like that one bit. They are trying to convert me to a Muslim. I have been having suicidal thoughts lately. If any of you can help me, let me know


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
With what money are going to sue them with? How old are you anyways?

They can control what you do as long as you live in their house, so its really up to them what they do, if you don't like it, then move out and be a grown up, ye?

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Your parents can force you to convert, if your an atheist then your an atheist and they should respect that. Outlining or asking whether or not you should sue them sounds a little harsh and is just going to cause more friction and might not help you with being depressed, as you would have added stress etc.

If you haven't done so already I would suggest sitting down and having a talk with your parents and outlining your beliefs, and why you don't want to go to Sunday school etc. They can make you go somewhere or do something you don't want to do but don't use that to spite them, at the end of the day they may think they are being helpful to you - sadly it doesn't always come across that way though. Other than that there are plenty of people, and organisations you can call for advice or to talk about your feeling with, especially if you are having suicidal thoughts.