Off-Topic I'm confused about something and was wondering if someone could answer this for me?


New User
Jan 3, 2020
Basically I put in a request to partner with Freedom network and it was i need to accept on youtubes side.
When I head over to my dashboard it doesn't say anything about accepting to join?
I heard that i need 4000 hours of watch time but surely that is if I am being monitized with adsense and nothing to do with freedom. On top of that why would i be accepted if it wasn't possible for me to be monitized.
I do not mind if I cant be monitized but I still want to be part of a network because of the other benefits.

Is there a new way of accepting these days or something that im missing?
I didnt want to waste the support teams time as they are probably busy and this is something that someone in the community can help me with.
I use to be with this network a long time ago but i quit youtube cos I had too much going on back thought i would make a come back.
Thank you everyone. Your all awesome!