I`m leaving YouTube


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 31, 2016
It is with a heavy heart that I make this post. for a while now I have not been totally happy with YouTube and some of the things it has been doing and because of this I have been thinking about leaving Youtube.
Today I ran a search on my channel with the restricted mode turned on and was horrified to see that out of the 52 videos I have uploaded 35 were not restricted or hidden from those who might want to see them. That is almost half of my videos.
I pride myself on making relatively family friendly content but Youtube deems some of them not advertiser friendly even though I would have been getting my ad revenue disabled next month.

I plan to take down all my videos upload one more to Youtube explaining to those who watch my videos why I am quitting Youtube and where they can find me and that will be my last.

As I am leaving Youtube I see no reason to remain partnered with Freedom so will be applying to have my channel unlinked from Freedom as soon as this post has been published.
This is the hard part as I love the community and people Freedom has built around its self.

Thank you for all that you have done Freedom team and community.
I will miss you

infected Jim


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Why you don't try Dailymotion? You can partner with freedom in that plarform too, and their politics are different. Maybe is a solution for you. I have seen the only video visible in your channel and I think that you are a very good comunicator, you have good sound, good light, you express yourself fine... is a pitty that you quit like that becouse the world needs people like you. If I can help you in something, let me know.
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Why you don't try Dailymotion? You can partner with freedom in that plarform too, and their politics are different. Maybe is a solution for you. I have seen the only video visible in your channel and I think that you are a very good comunicator, you have good sound, good light, you express yourself fine... is a pitty that you quit like that because the world needs people like you. If I can help you in something, let me know.

you sound like a good fellow, the world needs more people like you. I stopped doing youtube for about a year and I didn't tell anyone or broadcast it to the world. I just stopped. only in the last few weeks started again. its too bad that he is giving up. in my old channel I had ads taken off some videos I posted about something tragic happening in our country only because I lived right close to where it happen. thats the way it goes, I didn't take it personal. if he had planned on removing his ads from his channel anyways what is the big deal then?

I hate being a twat waffle but if the guy is looking for a going away party we should all gather at his house in real life and bake him a cake, wear party hats and throw streamers in the air. I don't know what else to say Im sorry that the OP is mad at youtube. but youtube doesn't make things clear to anyone about anything, we have to roll with the flow of it. if you have been doing this for 4 years and trying to make a go of it then it is something your passionate about. don't let the establishment win. stick through it. its only a matter of time and perseverance that you will be successful and get branding deals so you won't have to worry about running ads if youtube chooses to remove them. I wish the OP all the best with whatever he does in life.

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Their restricted mode feature is flawed and perhaps even random. Don't quit over that. Even I have a lot of videos blocked in restricted mode and my content is about as family friendly as it gets. (This screenshot is something one of my friends showed me on my channel about a month ago. You can see there are huge gaps in content and it all seems random)


Alex Ecker

Respected User
Mar 15, 2017
Wadena, Minnesota
It is with a heavy heart that I make this post. for a while now I have not been totally happy with YouTube and some of the things it has been doing and because of this I have been thinking about leaving Youtube.
Today I ran a search on my channel with the restricted mode turned on and was horrified to see that out of the 52 videos I have uploaded 35 were not restricted or hidden from those who might want to see them. That is almost half of my videos.
I pride myself on making relatively family friendly content but Youtube deems some of them not advertiser friendly even though I would have been getting my ad revenue disabled next month.

I plan to take down all my videos upload one more to Youtube explaining to those who watch my videos why I am quitting Youtube and where they can find me and that will be my last.

As I am leaving Youtube I see no reason to remain partnered with Freedom so will be applying to have my channel unlinked from Freedom as soon as this post has been published.
This is the hard part as I love the community and people Freedom has built around its self.

Thank you for all that you have done Freedom team and community.
I will miss you

infected Jim
Good luck

Winter Psycho

Rising User
Jul 7, 2016
Sorry to see you go. I had a look at your channel and I must say, you have quite the voice! It was very entertaining to just listen to you speak!

Honestly speaking, I think you should try doing podcasts or apply at a radio station.