Gaming Heroes ARENA: SOLO Q ROAD TO SOVEREIGN EP11|Assassins OP|Freelo all day!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 15, 2016
Road to Sovereign Rank Episode 11
We're NOW Diamond Rank!! AYE
I am Diamond rank rn and our next goal is to get MASTER RANK!
Assassins are so OP in the game
You can literally oneshot them
Can we reach to MASTER rank next

High Level Gameplay.
I'm playing "random" champs in rank to see who's the best carry in high elo.
in this game my main goal is to get the sovereing rank.
My other goals to get in this series is to be #1 in my country.
I'll try to post video every day, but for now ill be posting 1 video every other day.
Trying out a road to Sovereign series, I hope you like high level gameplay!