FFF Freedom! Forum Friday - Scheduled Chat Removal?


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016

Hello Freedom! Family!
Before we start, I would like to personally say good luck to anyone who is participating in exams in the next 4-5 weeks, but for others, let's get started!


Get your votes in!

It is nearly time to nominate and announce who will become the forum Member of the Month. If you are new, or need a refresher, on the 15th of every month, we give one member the title of Member of the Month for their contribution to the forums. To be nominated, you have to be active, follow the rules and help the forum team enforce the rules to those who don't.

If you have any nominations, feel free to contact @Row. Keep your eyes peeled for a new announcement thread which will arrive soon for the reveal of our next Member of the Month.

Forum Chat Removal?

Let's try not to be biased.
Starting today, users have noticed that in the banner slot which used to hold the Member of the Month banner, has now been changed to this:

There isn't much news about this, but I am guessing it will reel in some benefits, but also some drawbacks (I think more the latter)

Since we have not had any official announcement from what I have been told, I would advise that you vent your opinion on the petition thread, because WE as the forum users WANT the Freedom! Chat to stay!


More Partnerships with YouTube, including Ellen?

Our CT Administrator @itsjustjord released a news article on the forums relating to many famous people starting new shows in partnership with YouTube. The list of potential lineups can be found on the original post and you can tell us how you feel about this new partnership that YouTube has agreed to.

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions?
We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Until next time, be awesome to yourself and amazing to each other!



Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Forum Chat Removal?

Let's try not to be biased.
Starting today, users have noticed that in the banner slot which used to hold the Member of the Month banner, has now been changed to this:

There isn't much news about this, but I am guessing it will reel in some benefits, but also some drawbacks (I think more the latter)

Since we have not had any official announcement from what I have been told, I would advise that you vent your opinion on the petition thread, because WE as the forum users WANT the Freedom! Chat to stay!

This may be the biggest thing of the week... Most people want to keep the chat, let's show what we want to whoever put that there! Until now, get that filth outta here! :p


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Deleted member 17740

Nice weekly wrap-up!
I would miss the chat once it's gone,
Hopefully they keep it :D