FFF Freedom! Forum Friday (14/04/2017)

What would you like to see more of in the FFF's?

  • More credit competitions

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • More miletstone highlights

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • More introduction threads

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • More 'news' segments

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Less indenting XD

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015

Welcome back Freedom family, I am back with yet another weekly roundup in our wonderful Friday Forum Feature - YAY :)

So I'm starting this FFF off with a bit of information that may be useful for people on the forums, and who are partnered with the Freedom! Network and this is outlined below

Unlinked channel, no problem

So as you may have known, either through the grapevine, or by looking in the support section of the forum, there has been a number of support threads made about channels being unlinked from Freedom - I'm not going to bore you with the specific's just let you know that this is due to a system Freedom has in place to check content of channels against those closed by YouTube, while no system is perfect it does seem like Freedom's system has been providing some false positives and placing perfectly good channels in a queue to get removed. If this has happened to you and your account is still in good standing please contact our support team who will be more than happy to help. For more information about the system in place and Freedom's official stance please see the following thread - here

Spend those Credits!!

Also it is finally time to announce that the Freedom Credit store is now open, if you haven't already seen Koala's post about this - here - please note this isn't an exhaustive list and we are always open to hear your suggestions and ideas that we could implement regarding the store.

Shoutout for best answer this week

So I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to work this into this weeks FFF, so I thought why not have it at the start. I just wanted to take a minute to personally thank @HyperLabs for their amazing answer to how to use Freedom to grow your channel. I saw this on Thursday evening and knew I had to include it, if you would like to see this wonderful answer you can check it out - here

~~ Milestones ~~

So Many Zero's

What a wonderful week it has been in the milestone and achievement section of the forums. Not only have we been able to celebrate getting 200,000 discussions going on the forums - as outlined here - but we have also had some serious view milestones to celebrate from our users, for example
- @Up 'Til Noon recently hit 2 Million minutes of watch time
- @MrCyanGaming celebrated 100,000 total views
- @TeamRespawn celebrated getting 123K views in just one month, seriously how crazy is that?

If you would like to see their threads, and share a personal congratulations for their efforts then you can do so :
- Here for Up 'Til Noon
- Here for MrCyanGaming
- Here for TeamRespawn

~~ Who doesn't like fun ~~

It's all fun and games on the forums

So for those of you who want to have a bit of fun on the forums - don't we all like to have fun once in a while - I would suggest participating in the 'Can you guess what this is' game. This see's users guessing what the zoomed in picture is off within a time limit, and can often rather surprise you. If you would like to participate or indeed submit a picture for us to guess then please check out the following thread - here

~~ Competition Time ~~

Don't forget this months competition

So as the title suggests, don't forget we hold monthly competitions on the forums, which can lead to users gaining a $50 cash prize, along with runners up receiving steam game keys. This month we ask you to submit a resource to our C.R.I.B, or should that be 'the C.R.I.B - I can never be too sure. Please note there is a few requirements that are needed to take part, and all information can be found - here

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions? We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!


"You don't know me...but you will"
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Almost missed this FFF :), somehow its all indented again which is more notable on mobile that it is on desktop but it is still a little annoying. As for the C.R.I.B I made a guide explaining how the creation of a resource works, what you put in each box and some useful tips to make your resource standout. it can be found here: https://freedom.community.tm/threads/how-to-make-a-proper-c-r-i-b-resource.224217/. It would be nice to see some more entries for this contest as so far there isn't that many from what I've seen. Feel free to use my guide if you need it :)

Deleted member 17740

Nice #FFF,
Always nice to read the weekly wrap up when i can't always be on here :D

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Good wrapup.
Why thank you :)
Almost missed this FFF :), somehow its all indented again which is more notable on mobile that it is on desktop but it is still a little annoying. As for the C.R.I.B I made a guide explaining how the creation of a resource works, what you put in each box and some useful tips to make your resource standout. it can be found here: https://freedom.community.tm/threads/how-to-make-a-proper-c-r-i-b-resource.224217/. It would be nice to see some more entries for this contest as so far there isn't that many from what I've seen. Feel free to use my guide if you need it :)
Sorry about that, the only way I can get the image to sit right when previewing the thread is by indenting it. I shall try and find a way around this for the next time I do the weekly wrap-up just to see if I can make it nicer for mobile users :)
Nice #FFF,
Always nice to read the weekly wrap up when i can't always be on here :D
I was wondering where you had gone to, though be sure in any absence to check out the FFF, as we try and make sure most relevant and 'need to know' information is included
looks good :)
Thank you

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Just for everyone that has been effected by my inexplicable use of indenting, sorry once again about that, I have also added a new poll question, just so you can vent at me :p