Resources Free 1001 Sound FX!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 26, 2014
Hey Freedom! community,

I just want to share these free resources with y'all! These set of SoundFX did help me on some of my videos and projects, and I hope that I could help you in some way too :) So that's why I'm giving it away for free :)

So just follow this link and you'll be on my shared drive. Download it all you want, save it as your own, take it like it's your own child! :)

These are royalty free btw, and these effects doesn't have those kind of overlay protection voice over thing in it, so yup, a clean source, and I promise it wouldn't give you any copyrights.

Hope you guys enjoy and have a great day!


PS. I've added some freebies too aside from the FX effects, just read the txt file inside and yup, it's free too :)
PPS. Placing this LINK here again if you missed it.
PPPS. This LINK too!