Request Can you help me deciding the new direcction of my channel?


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Hi! I have a problem, along the time I have been doing all kind of videos in my channel. I think that this is the reason why the channel is growing slowly.

At the end of the last year I did a video about top 5 cleaning robots and it had a lot of traffic (about 20000 views in around a month, while other videos usually go further of 1000-2000 views in more than a year). I resist a little to just start doing tops about robots "in a crazy way" because is something that doesn't go with the channel topic... but. What is the channel topic? That's the problem.

A part of me would like that this topic may be related somehow with my job as a freelancer (a little because that of "self promotion / personal branding" but maybe that isn't the way, so I'm open minded). However, right now, I'm a little between the sword and the wall with the 1K4K rule, because the channel doesn't accomplish with those monetization criteria. In that sense, I don't have too much to loose in order to try new things.

That's the reason why I want to see different points of view about it, and decide the direction to give to this project. The channel is this:

Thank you Freedom Family!

(Traducción al español / translation to Spanish)

¡Hola! Tengo un problema, y es que a lo largo del tiempo he hecho todo tipo de vídeos en mi canal. Pienso que es esa la razón por la que al canal le está costando crecer.

A finales del año pasado hice un vídeo sobre top 5 robots aspiradores y ha tenido una barbaridad de tráfico. (Unas 20000 visualizaciones en cosa de un mes, cuando otros vídeos suelen superar las 1000 -2000 llegado el año). Me resisto un poco a empezar a hacer tops de robots "a lo loco" porque es algo que no va tanto con la temática del canal... pero ¿Cuál es la temática del canal? Ese es el problema.

Por una parte, me gustaría que pudiera estar relacionado de alguna parte con mi trabajo como freelancer (por un poco el tema de "autopromoción/marca personal", pero igual no es el camino, así que estoy "con la mente abierta" en ese sentido). Ahora mismo, de todas formas, me encuentro un poco entre la espada y la pared con la regla de 1K 4K porque no llega ahora mismo a los criterios de monetización. En ese sentido tampoco tengo mucho que perder de cara a probar cosas nuevas.

Es por eso que me gustaría ver distintos puntos de vista al respecto para decidir qué rumbo darle a este proyecto. El canal es este:

¡Gracias Freedom! Family!

Lost Trigger

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 27, 2015
im sorry i dont speak spanish so at a glance(looking at titles and thumbnails) i cant really tell what your channel is about without watching a good amount of your videos. So im not sure what your channel topic is. But i dont think theres anything wrong with the robot theme. Its a niche and because of that you can attract more viewers. Like for example, I might have a hard time growing an audience as a "movie" channel, but if i made my channel just about "transformers" i might have an easier time