Mighty Turtle

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2016
Ok guys, I'm trying to make my trailer.. but I wanted to ask four suggestions..

I'm not really sure on a few things, some people have told me just to talk about what the channel is about and have the appropriate gameplay/footage.

What does everyone think?? I kind of thought of making some big cinematic trailer with a voice over, and I am thinking about doing some voice overs for vids too but.. How long should a trailer be?? 2 min?? Maybe 5??
How long is yours??
I have a few ideas and even a couple recorded, but haven't uploaded yet as not sure about it..
I would love to see some of yours to get some Ideas, I don't know if posting links in here is ok, but I'm asking for then, just trailers though, feel free to pm me.. And if I do is out ok as a freedom partner(i will look it up to) to remove ad's from my trailer for the purpose of copyrights?? Ihave a couple songs I'd love to add to the trailer..