Comments A change for the review forum?


Rising User
Sep 20, 2017
Hey guys

So not being able to join freedom until I have 10,000 views kinda sucks, but being on the forum, I've seen the channel review section and I know its only logical to lock posting a thread inside that part of the forum so you don't have kids with 10 subscribers and N64 quality content asking for reviews (Basically just roasted myself because I only 2 subs lmao) But I was wondering maybe In the future if freedom can make it so even though we are not a part of the network yet, that we can still comment and review people asking for help with there channel...

Like maybe there's some big reason out there that I'm missing onto why this is here in the first place but if we have an account on the forum I don't see why we couldn't review them. like I said I understand locking the ability to make a thread down for only freedom partners but it would be kinda cool if people who don't have that privilege could still review the channels and give honest feedback. I probably won't have 10k for awhile but I've seen some of the people asking for reviews but sadly I can't comment.

Agree? disagree? Tell me what you think lol
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Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Prefacing this with saying I'm partly only stating my opinions on it here. Thanks the internet for wanting disclaimers.

I think locking down the ability to create threads is okay. While going by numbers someone should be able to earn the privilege by just being active without being partnered with the network that is rarely the case. From what I've seen mostly the people that are really active on the forums are 90% Freedom! Partners. Also if anyone could post there would be more useless threads and it would be the Promote Yourself dumping ground just labelled under asking for reviews.

To restricting replies, while this is more of a controversial thought I'm actually okay with that too. Firstly as mentioned above the people that are actually active most of the time are partners and secondly it makes sense to not get people substituting creation of their own thread by making a reply. This can also partially be compared to stackoverflow's "Protected Questions" system. They restrict users with less than 10 reputation (points system) to reply to specific posts to keep quality and avoid "me too". "Me too" is something that would happen one hundred percent. If someone can't create a thread they'll go to the next best person asking for a review and post a "While you're at it, please review my video:..." reply. Now I'm not building up an Is/Ought Fallacy here. Personally I'm partly against restricting some parts of the forums to partners only too. In my opinion it actually drives people off when they see that however active they become they won't be at the same privileges of a person pressing twenty buttons to get a purple badge. I'd be well up for supporting a change of this if you can come up with a better system than this.

Also to end this off weren't we all kids with two subscribers and N64 Quality content once and needed help and feedback to improve?


Rising User
Sep 20, 2017
Prefacing this with saying I'm partly only stating my opinions on it here. Thanks the internet for wanting disclaimers.

I think locking down the ability to create threads is okay. While going by numbers someone should be able to earn the privilege by just being active without being partnered with the network that is rarely the case. From what I've seen mostly the people that are really active on the forums are 90% Freedom! Partners. Also if anyone could post there would be more useless threads and it would be the Promote Yourself dumping ground just labelled under asking for reviews.

To restricting replies, while this is more of a controversial thought I'm actually okay with that too. Firstly as mentioned above the people that are actually active most of the time are partners and secondly it makes sense to not get people substituting creation of their own thread by making a reply. This can also partially be compared to stackoverflow's "Protected Questions" system. They restrict users with less than 10 reputation (points system) to reply to specific posts to keep quality and avoid "me too". "Me too" is something that would happen one hundred percent. If someone can't create a thread they'll go to the next best person asking for a review and post a "While you're at it, please review my video:..." reply. Now I'm not building up an Is/Ought Fallacy here. Personally I'm partly against restricting some parts of the forums to partners only too. In my opinion it actually drives people off when they see that however active they become they won't be at the same privileges of a person pressing twenty buttons to get a purple badge. I'd be well up for supporting a change of this if you can come up with a better system than this.

Also to end this off weren't we all kids with two subscribers and N64 Quality content once and needed help and feedback to improve?

Appreciate the open mindset without any harshness here, It makes for a good convo

First, Yeah we all were, but with that joke i'm mainly talking about the 10 year old kids who upload poor quality videos and spend more time trying to get people to subscribe to them with illegitimate methods like [Not trying to trigger any spam filter] then they actually spend making content for those subscribers to enjoy.

Also, about the second part of that, you're right about the part of the "me too" and the "Check me out" part of that, I guess if it was open to all then there would be allot of that happening, even relates to the joke I just made lol

But I do want to shine on something else real quick, As of right now according to you, 90% of Freedom forum users are partners, but my question is what about in time.... like starting from nothing and working up is hard without a shadow of a doubt, I'm getting ready to celebrate 100 views total and my 7 uploads while I prepare more content. But as time goes on that number may change, Like right now I know the vast majority of users are Freedom partners that have been with the network for awhile now, and as time goes on people will leave and new people will arise. Maybe a year or two from now that 90% might turn into 75% or maybe and even lower, but there will be allot of people trying to join freedom before they can hit that 10k bar to get access to the network... So maybe if not opening up commenting on the review section maybe it can be worked for as in if this member has been active on the forum at-least 4 days of every week for a month, they can have the right to comment on these channel review posts. Now I know theres allot wrong with that statement because people may not necessarily have that kind of time but I think you can kinda see where I'm coming from. Like depending on the type of content people upload, it can take a very long time to reach that 10k bar, but if people are constant in posting in thread and helping other youtubers, they clearly have good intentions and I don't think it would be too bad for them to be able to comment.

Yet again tho, there is probably something I'm missing in that and it may not be perfect... Nor do I have anything to do with running the forum or anything, its just an idea.