Search results

  1. Thunderbolt

    Resources Royalty Free EDM #2 - Midnight

    One out of many royalty free songs on my channel, check it out!
  2. Thunderbolt

    I Just Entered A Remix Competition...

    So... as the title suggests, I just took part in a remix competition and I'm in dire need of votes. If you were gracious enough to click on this thread, could I ask just one more thing from you? PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!
  3. Thunderbolt

    Solved Freedom Contract Reviewing...

    Is there a way to take another look at my contract with Freedom?
  4. Thunderbolt

    TheFineBros "React World" Disaster...

    So recently TheFineBros announced "React World". A network that allows people from all walks of life create reaction videos, I repeat, REACTION VIDEOS, like the Fine brothers themselves. What they failed to realize was... well, reaction videos have been around long before THEIR first reaction...
  5. Thunderbolt

    Best Aspect Of Video Games?

    I really feel like the best aspect of playing video games is playing them for the first time. I just finished my playthrough of Life Is Strange and its ending is just incredibly impactive, it really got me tearing up as the outro sequence gone on. There's just something so magical about not...
  6. Thunderbolt

    Looking For Free Music?

    Looking for music that won't get you flagged? Well, here they are. I'm willing to let any Freedom partner to use my music for any kind of media, as long as I'm credited properly. Simply copy the links provided below onto your video descriptions.