Search results

  1. MathSens3i

    What percentage of youtube gamers

    Hi everyone! So I was taking a look at the topics in this forum and nothing but the tag "Gaming" kept appearing... I wonder, out of 100 youtubers, how many of them upload gaming videos? Cheers! MathSens3i
  2. MathSens3i

    Otro Colaboración en canal de vlogs, tops y matemáticas

    Buenas a todos! Quería proponer a la comunidad alguna colaboración, pero no estoy muy seguro de cómo enfocarla: [[[***moderador(es), adjunto aquí una pequeña descripción del canal para introducir el "dilema"; si no fuera lícito, por temas de spam y eso, edito el post tan pronto como lo...
  3. MathSens3i

    Otro más!

    Hola a todos! Hace unas semanas creé un canal sobre matemáticas (tanto a nivel didáctico como cómico) y no he caído hasta ahora de registrarme en foros, Freedom, etc.:):) MathSens3i
  4. MathSens3i

    Other Milestone 10 countries milestone

    Hi there! It was too big a surprise for me, but (although for a few minutes) people from 10 Spanish-speaking countries have watched my videos (mostly South adn Center-America and Spain). Thanks everyone!
  5. MathSens3i

    Educational Learn Math

    Hi there! Just beginning to upload some videos about Mathematics (both of facts and theory) so that it is not that difficult to pass the exams! I'm MathSens3i, a student from Barcelona that has nothing else to do but playing the piano and uploading tutorials and not-so-good-comedy-videos...