Recent content by Elchyi

  1. Elchyi

    Gaming hey guys this is Elchyi

    thank you very much
  2. Elchyi

    Gaming hey guys this is Elchyi

    Hey guys my name is Elchyi, I love games and I decided to make game videos and upload them onto youtube. If you would like to check my channel out. Go ahead. It would be pretty good if you could tell me your opinion on my content. Thanks for reading
  3. Elchyi

    官方公告 自我介紹後別忘了!! -- 如何擴大我的YouTube頻道呢?

    大家好我是Elchyi,最近才開始玩youtube剛剛起步 歡迎大家關注 如果有想一起聯動動畫的可以聯繫我
  4. Elchyi

    合作交流 尋找switch合作夥伴

    大家好我是Elchyi,最近才開始玩youtube剛剛起步 歡迎大家關注 如果有想一起聯動動畫的可以聯繫我
  5. Elchyi

    遊戲玩家 新人youtuber自我介紹

    大家好我是Elchyi,最近才開始玩youtube剛剛起步 歡迎大家關注 如果有想一起聯動動畫的可以聯繫我