Zoobic and Clark Airforce Base

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Jun 13, 2017 at 4:00 AM
Posted by Dealer4519
These videos are going to be part of my memory forever. The sights, the sounds and the majestic beauty are amazing. I hope you enjoy this video, not for the historical content alone but for the sake of preservation. By the time this is released, I will be waiting on a plane to Japan, my next stop after Japan is Dallas Texas before heading home! Two more one more video will post tomorrow so that I get a day to relax before I upload the videos of my trip home!

I'm Dealer4519 AKA Debbie I'm a highly social retired black jack dealer who loves meeting and talking to people. I've always excelled at making friends quickly, I'd like to share my feelings and thoughts with you! I may also occasionally forray into lifestyle topics such as food, life in general and animals.
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