My Thoughts On : X-Com 2 (2016)

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Aug 15, 2017 at 1:24 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
Welcome back to another My Thoughts On / review video. In this episode we take a look at X-Com 2 (2016) which is the sequel to 2012's X-Com Enemy Unknown.

X-Com 2 (2016) is a turn based tactical video game developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games, and focuses on X-Com (a paramilitary force) who have now been reduced to a resistance type organisation after the alien occupation of Earth,

X-Com 2 (2016) contains high quality procedural generated maps and a good variety of mission types, with randomly generated enemy positions and relies heavily on the guerrilla warfare type tactics - with most missions starting with your team in cover. In addition to this X-Com 2 (2016) offers a wide range of weapon attachments, soldier stat boosters, special ammo, grenade types and psionic powers to keep the game feeling fresh.

Overall X-Com 2 (2016) gives the players a load of choice, not only when it comes to character and class customisation, but each scenario and situation feels fresh and unique, and the focus on tactical positioning makes X-Com 2 (2016) a great and engaging game to play.

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