My Thoughts On : Wasteland 2 (2015)

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Jul 3, 2017 at 9:10 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
Welcome back to another 'My Thoughts On' video. In this episode we review Wasteland 2 (2015) a post apocalyptic role playing game developed by inXile Entertainment, published by Deep Silver and distributed by Square Enix.

Wasteland 2 (2015) is the official sequel to the 1988 video game Wasteland, and was successfully crowd funded through Kickstarter. Wasteland 2 (2015) features a semi-overhead view with a rotatable camera angle and is a turn and party based role playing game with tactical combat.

The story is set in a backdrop of a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1998 and centres around the player controlling a party of 'Desert Rangers' - a peace keeping force in the post apocalyptic wasteland. The game begins in 2102, and see's the player take control of a bunch of newly recruited rangers who are tasked with finding out who killed Ace (a seasoned veteran of the Desert Rangers).

Wasteland 2 (2015) allows players to choice to customise their characters however they would like, from the typical aesthetic characteristics, such as clothing and facial features, but goes into much more detail, allowing players to essentially pick a personality type and whether the character has a favourite pack of cigarettes (yes seriously).

The combat system in Wasteland 2 (2015) feels rich and varied, allowing a turn based combat similar to other games such as X-Com, in which players have a certain amount of Action Points (AP points) which can be spend on moving, fighting, reloading / changing weapons or placing characters on overwatch. In addition to this Wasteland 2 (2015) also features a precision strike system which allows the player to target individual boy parts to cripple or stun enemies or shatter their armour.

As noted in the video, Wasteland 2 (2015) offers a rich character customisation and a open world which reacts to players decisions, with some actions taken early on in the game - such as which settlements you save from attack, often having unforeseen repercussions.

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