My Thoughts On Warhammer 40K Deathwatch (2017)

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Nov 13, 2017 at 1:11 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for Warhammer 40K Deathwatch, which is a turn based tactical shooter created and developed by FunBox Media and Rodeo Games that originally launched on IOS back in 2015 before making its way onto Steam and eventually onto console release in 2017.

You take control of a variety of Space Marines - genetically modified beings - from the different Warhammer 40K Chapters, such as Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Ultramarines and Ravenguard as you battle through 40 brutal missions which have you completing a variety of objectives such as reaching extraction points, defending areas or hunting powerful enemies down.

Controlling your Space Marines is simple enough in premise but is hampered by delayed controlled inputs and jerky camera angles, when you also factor in the badly implemented ‘fog of war’ and generally obscured view of the battle zones its relatively easy to miss targets hiding at your flanks. In fact basic functions such as an options menu or in game save system are woefully lacking and even helpful information such as changing camera angles are presented in a loading screen tip that I didn’t get until about two hours into the game.

One of the biggest confusions about Warhammer 40K Deathwatch and the biggest elephant in the room for me is the issue over its price. Currently the game retails on ITunes for around £1.99, on Steam £10.99 but an impressive £19.99 off Amazon for a physical copy - now I know Games Workshops licensing fee’s are high but is this massive difference in price really justified? Especially as you are getting the same core game, with no additional extras for each system.

Another further annoyance is the need to grind earlier stages in order to upgrade your Marines for later levels. Additionally on the PS4 there seems to be a complete and utter lack of a coherent trophy system, instead we get a glitchy mess and you can forget about any trophy support. I contacted the developers for a comment regarding this over three months ago and have heard nothing back even after numerous follow up emails.

This isn’t all doom and gloom though I really did like the random dialogue between your Space Marines, and the odd bits of lore that this references. Also the range of Space Marine Chapters and the range of weapons you can use is quite impressive but doesn’t quite make up for all the downsides in what could have been a game to rival X-Com.
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