My Thoughts On The Evil Within (2014)

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Dec 4, 2017 at 10:52 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for The Evil Within (2014). In The Evil Within (2014) you play as Sebastian Castellanos a highly decorated Detective from the Crimson City Police Department. Aided by your partners Joseph Oda and Julie Kidman you realise, very early on, that this isn’t going to be another normal day as the story unfolds into a tale of horror, tragedy and despair.

Developed by Tango Game Works and published by Bethesda Softworks, The Evil Within (2014) manages to impress with its 15 campaign chapters, with even classic horror tropes being given new life thanks the return of Shinji Mikami (The Father of Survival Horror). It’s eerie world and imaginative enemies are genuinely frightening and the scares and boss encounters are further intensified due to the scarcity of resources.

Combat does feel rather generic with a well balanced arsenal being provided - from your standard pistol to sniper rifles, shotguns, grenades and crossbows. My personal favourite of these has to be the Agony Crossbow which provides different bolts that you can use depending on the situation, from standard harpoon bolts to explosive, flash and freeze bolts.

The Evil Within (2014) was expanded with three optional DLC’s which I will cover in my next video review, but I felt that what really let The Evil Within (2014) down is the disjointed story as this shifts between realities / memories which left me questioning what I was actually doing. Further to this it features an underwhelming stealth mechanic in which Castellanos crouches and walks at a slower pace, and lets not forget the unforgiving bosses which have one hit KO’s.

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