My Thoughts On SuperHot (2017)

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Oct 16, 2017 at 2:59 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for superHot (2017) the most innovative shooter I've played in years - and I'm not just saying that because the game tells me I have to......well not entirely.

SuperHot is a first person shooter with a giant twist - time only moves when you do, which is a rather unique and interesting concept which works well given the situations you find yourself in. Not only do you have time to see bullets and enemies making there way to you but you can also have time to assess the situation, plan your strategy and respond accordingly.

In SuperHot tough decisions happen in a fraction of a second and while the real time playback of the levels may only be a few seconds, SuperHot's pace and near instant re-spawn system make this addictive rather than annoying.

While the story of SuperHot follows a very formulaic hacker hyperbole - telling you your body is disposable, and you should submit to the system, the game is presented in such a way that it doesn't feel overly imposing. Instead SuperHot portrays things in a very minimalist style, with enemies displayed in red and weapons in black which offers a start contrast against the white and grey background.

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