My Thoughts On Spy Chameleon (2014)

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Sep 4, 2017 at 10:16 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for Spy Chameleon (2014), which is a challenging arcade game where players have to avoid being detected largely due to the colour changing mechanics of the main character.

Through five missions, and seventy-five levels, unleash your inner spy as you stealthily watch your enemies, choose the right pah and make a daring dash to the next safe point. The duration of each level can vary from few seconds to a few minutes as you try and work around increasingly fiendish levels and complete various challenges imposed at higher difficulties.

As mentioned before Spy Chameleon (2014) is very much an arcade puzzle game, meant to dazzle you with chunky bright graphics, a fun design style a top down perspective and an emphasis on stealth. However this does make it a bit of a one trick pony, realistically you see all there is to offer within the first few levels, and with the exception of a few unfairly difficult levels the effect and appeal can wear off pretty quickly.
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