My Thoughts On : Resident Evil 6 (2016)

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Jun 19, 2017 at 9:57 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
A short review of Resident Evil 6 (2012) which is an action adventure third-person shooter developed and published by Capcom.

Resident Evil 6 was initially released on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2012, and for Microsoft Windows in 2013, before being re-released on PS4 and Xbox One in March 2016, and is the ninth instalment of the Resident Evil series.

The game allows players to select between four different story segments with interwoven storyline, and each of these arcs follows one of the four main protagonists - Leon S Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Jake Muller and Ada Wong. Resident Evil 6 also presents new innovations and gameplay mechanics to the series, such as, shooting and sliding and quick time events to disrupt enemy attacks.

Each campaign interweaves with another, and at certain points will even have you collaborating with other teammates to take down a particular nasty boss - and trust me there are certainly a few of those to deal with. Each character does feel and act differently, which is a nice touch, and minor things such as them all using different phones / gadgets to check health or way markers is a nice touch. The typical 'zombie' characters have been replaced by J'avo who are able to interact with each other, plan attacks, use weapons and even heal themselves. Also some J'avo undergo mutations that make them even more deadly in combat.

Resident Evil 6 (2012) also features three 'mercenaries' modes, in which players fight for survival against hordes of zombies. You have the standard mercenaries mode in which you fight against 300 zombies and try to rack up as many points as possible, a 'no mercy' mode which bumps up the amount of enemies on each map considerably, and 'Agent Hunt, which allows you to take control of enemies in other people's online matches.

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