My Thoughts On Manhunt (2003)

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Oct 11, 2017 at 11:36 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for Manhunt (2003), which is which is a gritty and rather graphical 3rd person action stealth game developed by Rockstar North.

Manhunt, originally released in 2003 and then re-released on PS4 in 2016 puts you in control of James Earl Cash, a deathrow inmate forced to commit acts of violence so a mysterious director can create the perfect snuff movie.

The main gameplay is focused on stealth, with Cash having to execute his opponents in brutal fashion to achieve higher level ratings, with later missions also providing opportunities to use firearms. Manhunt does have some start similarities with other games such as SplinterCell and Max Payne, in that health is regenerated using painkillers and Cash is practically invisible in the shadows no matter how implausible that may seem.

Ultimately its Manhunts (2003) story and AI control that lets it down the most. Not only are the controls poorly imported on the newer console but the AI would either rush head first into bulets, or hide in cover no matter what. Even sneaking past them boils down to learning their predictable movement pattern and walking past them.

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