My Thoughts On ; Gat Out Of Hell (2015)

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Jun 19, 2017 at 9:57 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
A short review of the new standalone expansion from Saints Row, in which our two main protagonists, Johnny Gat and Kenzie Kensington travel to hell to rescue their boss from a forced arranged marriage with Satan's daughter.

Developed by Volition and High Voltage Software, Gat Out of Hell picks up from the end of Saints Row IV and as you can imagine, it contains all the usual death, destruction and mayhem that is typical of a Saints Row game but this time with an assortment of demonic foes and weapons to mess with.

Gat Out of Hell (2015) is a standalone expansion and allows players a chance to experience the underworld without needing a copy of Saints Row 4. It shares a lot of gameplay aspects with the previous Saints Row instalments, for example the third person shooter perspective, an open world city with loads of quests to do, and superhuman abilities, as seen in Saints Row 4 - while the games weapons are inspired by the 7 Deadly Sins, for example the Gluttony Gun which fires cake batter for enemies to gorge themselves on.

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