Kualoa Ranch Premier Movie Sites Tour VR360 Full Jurassic World Jumanji

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Sep 16, 2018 at 4:32 AM
Posted by Robert Clark
A mix of VR360 and 180 from our recent trip to the Kualoa Ranch Premier Movie Sites Tour featuring the bunker from the series "Lost", props from "Kong Skull Island" (Bone Yard and crashed helicopter), "Journey 2" and Jumanji, the Indominus Rex dinosaur pen, animatronic Velociraptors, Godzilla's footprint and even a few spots from the original Jurassic Park.

The actual tour was around 2 hours so this a highlight reel. Be sure to go if you ever get to Oahu.

Shot on the Samsung Gear 360 (single and dual lens mode)
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