Gwent Mahakum Ale Festival Expert Challenges Walkthrough

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Oct 3, 2017 at 10:31 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
A full walkthrough, and details hints and tip guide to completing the Mahakum Ale Festival Expert Challenges.

These challenges consist of three matches, which are : -
- Trial of the Glasses 0:40 - 6:45
- Battle of the Bards 8:10 - 9:45
- Enter the Tippler 10:10 - 14:20

In Trial of the Glasses you really want to use Zoltan Chivay to remove some of the enemies drunken soldiers, while also using your Foul Ale to counter any Mahakum Ale's they may place. Further to this make sure to make use of any Dwarven Mercenaries or Mahakum Guards to boost your own units and try to keep Gabor Zigrin safe in order to get another Mahakum Ale.

To complete the Battle of the Bards expert challenge you need to play the following cards in this order
- Pricscilla
- Rhapsodic Melody
- Rhapsodic Melody
- Priscilla
- Bardic Power Cords
- Priscilla

To complete Enter the Tippler on expert I found it helpful to play the following
- First Turn pass, you will loose this match but don't worry
- Thunderbolt potion
- Dwarven Skirmisher
- Mahakum Defender
- Odrin
- Mahakum Guard
- Clan An Craite Warrior
- Clan An Craite Warrior
- Clan An Craite Warcrier
- Thunderbolt Potion
- Zoltan Chivay
- Then Pass - hopefully you should have won the second round

Third Round
- PertyDoll
- Sigrdrifa - resurrect any unit with a high number stat
- Priestess of freya - again resurrect any unit with a high number stat
- Clan Tordarroch Shieldsmith

And there we have it you should now have completed all expert challenges in the Mahakum Ale Festival - Congratulations

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