Dragon Ball FighterZ Open Beta Review

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Jan 15, 2018 at 11:59 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
Beta review for Dragon Ball FighterZ (2017), which is the latest 2.5D fighter beat em-up from Bandai Namco.

In Dragon Ball FighterZ Open Beta (2017) you will be able to engage in a variety of matches, including practise mode, ranked, and casual, trying out a variety of the 11 fighters available - from the iconic Goku to Vegeta and Android 18.

So onto the review. First thing to mention is that Dragon Ball FighterZ has been plagued with network and connection issues and due to this Bandai Namco are considering extending this beta over the January 15th deadline.

Other than that players can also string together auto combo's by rapidly pressing the light or heavy attack buttons, though there is damage scaling so these subsequent attacks deal less damage.

Players are also forced to pick their teams before queuing for a ranked or casual match, and whilst this stops players from countering their opponents choices its a bit unnecessary.

One thing I did like with the Dragon Ball FighterZ beta is the Shenron system, which awards players with dragon balls when stringing together combos. Once all seven dragon balls have been collected then players get to choose one of four wishes which could restore a character to full health, revive a downed partner, boost your ki gauge to max or even cause your energy gauge to auto restore.

All in all I felt that Dragon Ball FighterZ wasn't an overly good beta, which let me down, not only due to the frequent networking issues but also for the often clunky control system and players spamming attacks.

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