Batman Arkham Knight GOTHAM on Fire! (FULL) Most Wanted

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Aug 4, 2017 at 7:16 AM
Posted by Anthony Smith
Batman Arkham Knight "Stealth Gameplay" Most Wanted Walkthrough "GOTHAM ON FIRE" with Commentary. Don't forget to Like, Comment and Subscribe, thanks very much.

Many Years Ago, Fire Fly tried to Destroy Gotham's Pioneers Bridge! But he was defeated by the BATMAN during the Blackgate Riots (AO). Afterwards, he became nothing more then a CAMEO easter egg in Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham. Now, after it's time to light this Candle and reduce Gotham City to Ashes!

Batman Arkham Knight FULL Walkthrough - Batman Arkham Knight (PS4) Stealth Guide with Commentary - YouTube

Batman Arkham Knight Red Hood DLC - Batman Arkham Knight: NEW Red Hood DLC Story Pack & LORE

Batman Arkham Knight Skins - COMING SOON

Name: Fire Fly aka Garfield Lynns

First Appearance: Detective Comics #184 (1952)
Lynns was once a Special Effects Guy for the Movies! No one knew Pyrotechnics quite like this Guy. In Batgirl Year One, Garfield Kills his Star Girlfriend in an Explosion, along with some of the Crew. He then bumps into Killer Moth and they form an Evil Duo.

As the Arkham Universe. Lynn's was hired by Black Mask to BURN the Bat. After being defeated Garfild is taken into custody by the GCPD. Though he Escapes before the events of Arkham Blackgate. During the events of Asylum Fire Fly has 178 counts of arson, 52 of which resulted in various deaths, 4 counts of murder of the first degree, and 10 counts of robbery.

While not seen in Arkham City. Fire Fly becomes Roman's #1 Guy and helps him break out. Though defeated by ROBIN before he can re-enter Gotham on the Train. Fire Fly remains at Large during Arkham Unhinged.

Main Objectives: Investigate Reports of an Arsonist Loose in Gotham

- Go to Miagami Island the Bristol Fire Station
- Bleake Island, the Gauldron Fire Station North of GCPD
- Founders Island, Otisburg Fire Station near Wayne International Plaza
- Apprehend Most Wanted "Fire Fly"
- Take Lynns to GCPD LockuP!
- Take PYG to GCPD Lockup

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Bruce Wayne Faces his greatest threat the Arkham Knight & pain to all who Follow Him. Scarecrow Returns and promises to Destroy the Dark Knight & Gotham City. Become the Bat, Drive the Batmobile, Challenge "The Arkham Knight" and Punch Crime in the Face! With the Shocking Finale to Rocksteadys Arkham Series. This is How the Batman Died! - knightwing01
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