
Hey guys, I'm Hatesh "RHINO" Saini, representing Dubnium Empire. If you didn't know already (which is most likely) we are a small community of gamers and musicians who post all kinds of videos.
We are mostly based in Cambridge, UK, however, we do have members abroad. The majority of members range from 14-16 with the odd one or two older.
We found freedom by searching for YouTube partnership networks online.
We originally started on YouTube as just me and my best friend (and now channel partner) 6 years ago.
We post all kinds of content from Music videos, to tech tutorials, to pro gaming clips, pod-casts and even Omegle. If you didn't get the hint, we also do professional gaming with teams in varying games including League of Legends and Call of Duty.
We hope to not only gain subscribers and views, but also members and collaborators, to support our passions, and ultimately, we would like to be a big community consisting of professional videos and professional gaming.
Our videos are generally posted on a set cycle that consists of 2-3 videos a week with the occasional special video.
Here is the link to our channel if you want to check us out: www.youtube.com/DubniumEmpire

